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Cricut-ing cupcake toppers


I haven't used my Cricut for (I reckon) a year now. Ever since I received my diode laser, I have been so engrossed with learning to use it, that I set aside my Cricut machine and totally switched to laser machine to make cake toppers.

My sister recently asked me to make her cupcake toppers to go with the 35 cupcakes that she's planning to bake for her friend's wedding in September. We searched through Google and found a set of cupcake toppers that were made of paper (card stock). Knowing I could rely on my Cricut Maker 3 to cut card stocks, I agreed to take on this project.

But first, we had to decide on the card stock thickness before I could let my sister purchase the materials for this cupcake topper. Good thing I still have heaps of card stock left (from Kmart), I used this paper to create my sample set of cupcake toppers.

Here are the materials used in this project:

  • Cricut Maker 3 machine

  • Glitter Card stock, 180 gsm

  • Mat

  • Toothpick

  • Glue / Sticky tape

  • Cricut Gel pen (optional)

  • Cricut spatula

The designs were downloaded from The Noun Project. The Pro account allows me unlimited of use of icons. :)

Last weekend, I presented these samples to my sister.

I learned that her friend's wedding theme was pink (shade was unclear). Though, regardless how pink the wedding theme would be, my sister wanted glitter pink cupcake toppers.

I set myself a challenge to find 35 different wedding theme related items. I know that my sister was okay with 4 to 5 designs but I reckon she would be pleased to see each cupcake has a different topper design.

So far, I have 6 designs. It's a start, and only 29 to go. :D

PS. I also plan to laser cut cupcake topper sticks. Yes, I could use toothpicks, but I find them way small and the bamboo skewers (which my sister has) appears too long. We'll see...

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